TD SIG Webinar: Neuroscience Application in the EFL Classroom

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Session overview: Neuroeducation is a relatively new field that emerged in the 90s. Education is a social activity in which we all share a brain with almost identical functions. Thus, knowing who we are teaching and how our most important organ works is a fundamental part of teaching that should not be overlooked. Reframing, reflecting, and questioning the way we teach is the key in this 21st century full of rapid changes.

The session will start by introducing neuroscience and how it is related to language teaching. Then, we will look into the brain’s main features, the theory of the three brains, and the importance of considering them all in learning. We will further explore the relationship between neural networks and learning and the main happy neurotransmitters all teachers must know to trigger their release. We will also learn how to apply these concepts to practical tasks for our language classes.

Biography: Roxana Areán is a graduate English Teacher and a Literay, Scientific and Technical Translator (Cultural Inglesa de Buenos Aires) with a Master’s degree in Audiovisual translation from the University of Cadiz, Spain. She’s also a certified Neurolanguage Coach® (Efficient Language Coaching, UK) and holds a Diploma in English Phonetics and Phonology from UNLZ (Buenos Aires, Argentina). She has worked in several institutions teaching all ages and levels but has been teaching mostly adults and young adults lately. She is the founder and coordinator of Dream On ELC; an online academy which has been designing and delivering online courses and Webinars for more than 6 years now.

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