The Teacher Development SIG is inviting researchers and teachers to join our debate forum at the upcoming PanSIG Conference.
The theme of the forum is “The boon and bane of digitalized EFL education: Building a new foundation for the future”. If you are interested, you can choose which side of the fence you are on: the boon side or the bane side.
This format will have a presenter sharing a specific view on the theme with a round-by-round format. Initially, speaking for 3-5 minutes each to explain their experience of the recent large-scale technology implemented lessons, their realizations/revelations that stemmed from that and which relate to the fundamentals of EFL education/lessons, and finally their support for increased use of technology (boon) or that technology is overused and that more traditional approaches are more efficient and effective (bane).
We want you, the educator with experience in the technology zoom-boom of the last years, to share with us your takeaways and wisdom which you can aptly apply as we move back to basics.
We are targeting these topics for forum presentations:
- teachers’ and students’ technological skills as a pivotal factor
- maximizing learning outcomes through the use of technology or not using technology
- a move back to basics, everything digital, or amenable balance : as a problem of practice
Some potential questions for proposal submitters:
- How does learning theory and design impact your choice and/or use of technology?
- How did you maximize learning outcomes via technology?
- In what ways did you consider the development of technological skills (for yourself and students) as a pertinent aspect within learning?
- What can we pull out of this recent flood of online education to build a better basic foundation of EFL teaching?
- How will you be moving forward with a redeveloped sense of “back to basics”?
Please note that the PanSIG 2024 Conference is an in-person-only event from May 24th – May 26th, 2024. You must physically travel to Fukui University of Technology to participate in our forum.
You can apply via Google Forms until March 10th by sharing the following information:
- an indication of the targeted topic(s) you intend to submit for (listed above)
- a potential title for your presentation
- an abstract (up to 220 words)
- a basic explanation of your presentation content (3-4 main aspects in point form)
The Google Form is here: https://forms.gle/5Mm1esAhYyyC9hiu9
Thank you in advance for your application. We will respond within 2 weeks of your submission.