For the Spring 2022 issue of the Explorations in Teacher Development journal, we invite any rigorous scholarship dealing with phenomena related to teacher development. We welcome articles using quantitative or qualitative data. We above all urge authors to use their research as an opportunity to learn from as well as speak out and join the scholarly conversation about teacher development, sharing the wisdom they have gained along the way.
As we all continue to face the challenges of teaching and living well in a pandemic, we also especially encourage submissions related to the concept of askesis, or care of the self. This means not understanding oneself and others as atomistic individuals, as privileged subjects among objects, but as responsible formed-transforming selves who create their own conditions for ethical agency, attending to social norms and rules but committing to a more ambitious ethics and character to act ethically without guarantees. During the pandemic, ethically ambiguous situations might have become more apparent to many of us, but we might also have begun to notice—or actively attend to—how caring for the self in a radically relational ethics extends to the known and familiar now made strange.
We especially encourage scholarly inquiry of all kinds that estranges the taken-for-granted practices and opens new possibilities for teacher development, transformation, or growth.
- First submissions: 1/11
- First reviews and revisions: 1/12-1/31
- Second reviews and revisions: 2/1-2/15
- Proofreading: 2/16-2/28
- Publication: 3/15