Category Archives: Announcements

Using Video in Language Teacher Education: A JALT Teacher Development SIG Forum

The JALT Teacher Development SIG will be hosting a forum on ‘Using Video in Language Teacher Education’

Date: Tuesday, December 3 2019
Time: 18:00 – 20:00
Location: Toyo University, Hakusan Campus, Building 10, Room A101

To register for the forum, use the QR code or click here to complete the form.

Overview: During the last few decades, there has been an increase in both the use of digital video and understanding of the role it can play in teacher education (Baecher et al., 2018). It has been claimed that this can have a positive impact on trainee and in-service teachers’ engagement, motivation and autonomy. This event considers Major and Watson’s view that beliefs and practices are changing fast and the emergence of recent video-capable technologies is something of a ‘tipping point’ (2018: 50).

This interactive forum will feature both presentation and interview sessions. The three invited speakers will each present about using video for language teacher education purposes with regard to their individual institutional perspectives. In response to these presentations, the invited speakers will then engage with each other in interview sessions. It is hoped that this dialogic element to the forum will help both the speakers and attendees to gain a richer and more collaborative understanding of this forum’s central theme and each other’s work.


CUE and TD SIG Joint PechaKucha Forum (November 3)

The College and University Educators (CUE) and Teacher Development (TDSIGs are hosting our ninth joint forum to promote the sharing of professional stories at JALT 2019.

Theme: Teacher Efficacy and Learner Agency
Date: Sunday, November 3, 2019
Time: 11:45 – 13:15 (45 minutes)
Room: 901

The forum will be in true PechaKucha format and after the presentations, audience members are invited to join breakout groups discuss the topics more in depth. We hope you’ll join us!

Invitation to our annual AGM at JALT2019

The JALT Teacher Development (TD) SIG AGM is scheduled at JALT 2019 for:
  • Day: Sunday, November 3rd
  • Time: 9:15 AM – 10:00 AM (45 minutes)
  • Room: 905
In this annual general meeting (AGM), the Teacher Development (TD) SIG officers will report on the recent activities of the group. Officers will share information and news about the SIG’s events, membership, publications, and other related matters. As well as discussing previous work, ideas about the SIG’s future will be shared, and the results of this year’s officer elections will be announced. Current and potential SIG members are encouraged to come along to this session.

Teacher Journeys 2019

Teacher Journeys Conference (June 29)

The Teacher Development SIG‘s biggest annual event, the Teacher Journeys Conference, will be held at Sojo University in Kumamoto on Saturday, June 29, in partnership with the Nankyu JALT Chapter. We are happy to announce our plenary speakers, Dr. Fumi Takegami from Kumamoto University and Dr. Chris Carl Hale from Akita International University.

Click here to visit the conference website. We look forward to seeing you in Kumamoto!

Teacher Journeys 2019

We are happy to announce that this year, the Teacher Development SIG, in partnership with the Nankyu JALT Chapter, will have our annual Teacher Journeys Conference at Sojo University in Kumamoto, on June 29. Be on the look out for more announcements about this conference in the coming weeks, including the call for proposals.

We look forward to seeing you in Kumamoto!

TD SIG Support for Reflective Practice Meetings​

Do you have a teacher reflective practice or development group that meets regularly? Would you like to start one? The TD SIG would like to help!

We offer funding (up to 5,000 yen) for coffee/snacks at such meetings as a way to support teachers getting together to talk about their work and to help build teacher communities around Japan.

You would need to submit receipts for whatever you purchase. And we would also ask you to submit a brief account of the gathering (who attended? what was discussed? are there plans for more meetings?) for the TD SIG newsletter. Photos would also be appreciated.

Please contact Mike Ellis at for more details.