JALT TD SIG Forum at PanSIG 2024

Join the TD SIG Forum at PanSIG 2024 with our three panelists and dive into their take on the “Boon and Bane of Digitalized EFL Education”.

Although we commonly share the recent period of tech-based EFL lessons, we may differ as to which side of the fence we are on: the boon side or the bane side. This forum features presenters who will share their specific views and experience of recent large-scale technology implemented lessons, realizations and revelations stemming from those, and how their technology use connected to fundamentals of EFL education/lessons. Our interactive discussion with the audience centers on either support for increased use of technology (boon) or the notion that technology is overused and/or inefficient (bane).

Our three presenter topics relate to: (1) the paradox of advancing educational technologies, such as AI and VR, and their demand for educators to not only deeply understand these tools but also to increasingly apply traditional teaching methodologies; (2) the implementation of Virtual Exchange (VE) to maximise learning outcomes by offering students more comprehensible input while encouraging output and the negotiation of meaning; (3) the need to avert overreliance on technology tools and common classroom failures by supplementing traditional pedagogical approaches more strategically with technology to create unique opportunities exclusive to language classrooms.

Date: Sunday May 26th
Time: 10:10 – 11:40
Room: 2-703

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