- Click here for an outline of the latest issue (Volume 30 Issue 2).
- Past issues of the journal can be found here. Outlines of each issue can be found on the individual volume pages.
Explorations in Teacher Development (ETD) (ISSN 2434-589X) welcomes manuscripts that present thoughtful investigation and scholarly contributions in the field of teacher development. All submissions should contribute to the understanding of teacher development and educational practices. Content must be relevant to both teachers, researchers, and practitioners in the field of teacher education, with particular interest in studies exploring innovative approaches to teacher development.
ETD welcomes submissions in the following categories of articles. You can find further guidance in the editorial for Volume 29, Issue 1 (Kasparek, 2023).
- Research Articles (3,000-6,000 words): ETD research articles typically follow social science or humanities conventions, emphasizing scholarly rigor and empirical data analysis. While traditional research structures are common, the journal also accepts theoretical and alternative research approaches, provided they maintain academic standards and contribute to deeper understanding in the field.
- Explorations (1,000-4,000 words): ETD welcomes two types of exploratory works: 1) personal scholarly narratives that document intellectual journeys into new concepts and 2) detailed descriptions of experimental teaching practices. While both formats are more exploratory than traditional research articles, they must maintain academic engagement and clear focus.
- Perspectives (1,000-4,000 words): Perspective articles encourage practitioner perspectives that share insights from real teaching contexts. These pieces emphasize practical knowledge and clear argumentation to broaden readers’ understanding of educational practices.
- Reflections (1,000-4,000 words): This article includes singular experience narratives, professional development journeys, fresh analyses of familiar practices, and post-event perspective transformations. All forms emphasize thoughtful interpretation of educational experiences to deepen understanding of teaching practice.
- Book Reviews (1,000-4,000 words): ETD seeks analytical book reviews that combine summary, critique, and contextual discussion. A pre-submission proposal to editors is required. The key difference from standard book reviews is that ETD expects reviewers to not just describe the book but to engage critically with its ideas and demonstrate how it fits into larger academic conversations in the field.
- Interviews (1,000-4,000 words): ETD accepts edited interview transcripts with field professionals to expand reader perspectives. Editorial approval of the proposal is required before submission. The focus is on using interviews as another format to bring diverse voices and insights to ETD’s readers, with editorial oversight to ensure quality and relevance.
- Columns (500-1,000 words): ETD columns provide space for event reporting and introducing developing ideas in a brief format. The columns essentially function as a more informal section where authors can share either event-based information or present early thoughts that have not yet been developed into full academic articles.
Submissions for ETD are accepted twice a year for our two regular issues. We follow a structured timeline to ensure timely publication:
Issue 1 (June Release)
- Manuscript Deadline: March 31
- Review Period: by April 30
- Publication Process (revisions, editing, and proofreading): by May 31
- Release: in June
Issue 2 (December Release)
- Manuscript Deadline: September 30
- Review Period: by October 31
- Publication Process (revisions, editing, and proofreading): by November 30
- Release: in December
Please refer to the author guidelines and click here for the manuscript submission form when making your submission.
Any queries regarding submission can be sent to jalt.ted.ete.editor@gmail.com.
Managing Editors: Yutaka Fujieda & Jon Thomas
Layout Editor: Nicholas Kasparek
Copy Editor: Andrew Hofmann
Peer Reviewers: David Bollen, Peter Clements, Gordon Danford, Ashton Dawes, Yutaka Fujieda, Daniel Hooper, Anne McLellan Howard, Darren Kinsman, Nick Kasparek, Robert J. Lowe, Peter Lutes, Ewen MacDonald, Patrick Mannion, Sam Morris, Nate Olsen, Jane Pryce, Jennie Roloff Rothman, Ross Sampson, Chhayankdhar Singh, James Taylor, Alexandra Terashima, Jon Thomas, Deryn Verity, Adie Uchida Verla, Davey Young