Category Archives: Upcoming Events

PanSIG 2021 Forum with ICLE SIG

PanSIG 2021 will take place on May 15-16 in Mishima, Shizuoka Prefecture. The event is currently planned as a hybrid event (partially online), but will be moved entirely online if needed depending on the situation.

For PanSIG 2021, the TD SIG is delighted to be facilitating a forum with the Intercultural Communication in Language Education (ICLE) SIG, titled ‘Developing an Intercultural Understanding as Teachers’.

Over the next couple of months, we’ll be finalising the details, including the invited speakers, the session format, and the date/time. Please watch this space for information!

Teacher Journeys 2020: Panel Discussion

Join us as we reflect on this year’s online conference, Teacher Journeys 2020: Experiences in Emergency Remote Teaching. Due to Covid-19, this year’s conference was unique with respect to both content and format. The organizers have invited four presenters to hold a discussion on the virtual sharing of their and others’ journeys through the pandemic as educators. We will discuss topics such as the process of creating their videos and lessons learned from others’, and also consider ways that this experience might inform professional teacher development post-coronavirus.

Date: Sunday, November 8
Time: 2 to 3pm (Japan Standard Time)
Hosted on Zoom

Learn more about the participants and access the meeting from the conference site.

TD SIG Annual General Meeting at JALT2020

In this annual general meeting, members of the Teacher Development SIG will report on the recent activities of the group. Officers will share information and news about the SIG‘s events, membership, publications, and other related matters. As well as discussing previous work, ideas about the SIG‘s future will be shared, and the results of this year’s officer elections will be announced. Current and potential SIG members are encouraged to come along to this session. 

Date: Tuesday, November 17th
Time: 5:00 PM – 5:45 PM  

This session will be taking place live on Zoom. Registered participants of JALT2020 should follow information during the conference period for details about how to access and join the session. 

JALT TD SIG Forum: Teacher Emotions in the Japanese Context

Unfortunately, our ‘Teacher Emotions in the Japanese Context’ forum scheduled for March 19 has had to be cancelled. We’re very sorry about this. We hope to arrange a similar event soon. Thank you for your understanding.

March 19, 2020: Teacher Emotions in the Japanese Context @ Toyo University (Hakusan campus) Tokyo. 14:00-16:30. Click here to register.

Using Video in Language Teacher Education: A JALT Teacher Development SIG Forum

The JALT Teacher Development SIG will be hosting a forum on ‘Using Video in Language Teacher Education’

Date: Tuesday, December 3 2019
Time: 18:00 – 20:00
Location: Toyo University, Hakusan Campus, Building 10, Room A101

To register for the forum, use the QR code or click here to complete the form.

Overview: During the last few decades, there has been an increase in both the use of digital video and understanding of the role it can play in teacher education (Baecher et al., 2018). It has been claimed that this can have a positive impact on trainee and in-service teachers’ engagement, motivation and autonomy. This event considers Major and Watson’s view that beliefs and practices are changing fast and the emergence of recent video-capable technologies is something of a ‘tipping point’ (2018: 50).

This interactive forum will feature both presentation and interview sessions. The three invited speakers will each present about using video for language teacher education purposes with regard to their individual institutional perspectives. In response to these presentations, the invited speakers will then engage with each other in interview sessions. It is hoped that this dialogic element to the forum will help both the speakers and attendees to gain a richer and more collaborative understanding of this forum’s central theme and each other’s work.


CUE and TD SIG Joint PechaKucha Forum (November 3)

The College and University Educators (CUE) and Teacher Development (TDSIGs are hosting our ninth joint forum to promote the sharing of professional stories at JALT 2019.

Theme: Teacher Efficacy and Learner Agency
Date: Sunday, November 3, 2019
Time: 11:45 – 13:15 (45 minutes)
Room: 901

The forum will be in true PechaKucha format and after the presentations, audience members are invited to join breakout groups discuss the topics more in depth. We hope you’ll join us!

Join us at JALT 2019! (Nov 1 – 4)

Teacher Development (TD) SIG and The College and University Educators (CUE) SIG are joining together for our ninth joint forum designed to promote the sharing of professional stories at the 2019 International JALT Conference in Nagoya (Nov 1 – 4). This year’s theme is “Teacher Efficacy and Learner Agency”.

This year the forum will be in true PechaKucha format. Each presentation will be 20 slides set to show for 20 seconds and change by automatic timer. Each presenter will have one chance to present. Audience members and presenters will gather in groups following the presentations to discuss and reflect on the presentations’ contents in the context of this year’s theme. We hope to see you there!