Category Archives: Announcements

Teacher Journeys 2019

Teacher Journeys Conference (June 29)

The Teacher Development SIG‘s biggest annual event, the Teacher Journeys Conference, will be held at Sojo University in Kumamoto on Saturday, June 29, in partnership with the Nankyu JALT Chapter. We are happy to announce our plenary speakers, Dr. Fumi Takegami from Kumamoto University and Dr. Chris Carl Hale from Akita International University.

Click here to visit the conference website. We look forward to seeing you in Kumamoto!

Teacher Journeys 2019

We are happy to announce that this year, the Teacher Development SIG, in partnership with the Nankyu JALT Chapter, will have our annual Teacher Journeys Conference at Sojo University in Kumamoto, on June 29. Be on the look out for more announcements about this conference in the coming weeks, including the call for proposals.

We look forward to seeing you in Kumamoto!

TD SIG Support for Reflective Practice Meetings​

Do you have a teacher reflective practice or development group that meets regularly? Would you like to start one? The TD SIG would like to help!

We offer funding (up to 5,000 yen) for coffee/snacks at such meetings as a way to support teachers getting together to talk about their work and to help build teacher communities around Japan.

You would need to submit receipts for whatever you purchase. And we would also ask you to submit a brief account of the gathering (who attended? what was discussed? are there plans for more meetings?) for the TD SIG newsletter. Photos would also be appreciated.

Please contact Mike Ellis at for more details.